What is a Warrior?
A Warrior is an advocate, activist or leader that is speaking up, fighting for or supporting a cause. Each warrior is unique and has a unique cause-- it could be fighting for clean water, human rights, emotional wellness, eradicating racism, or quality of life for you and your children. As we launch into a new, post-2020 era, never before has the urgency of these battles felt stronger.
The old patriarchal and white supremacist way of fighting these battles looks like a zero sum game, where someone is the conqueror and someone else is the conquered. No more. It’s time to balance out our world by bringing the Divine Feminine into leadership and advocacy. Making space for balance, compassion, joy, sisterhood and unleashing the feminine power within our miraculous bodies. Enter Warrior School... |
"Tina's energy, thoughtfulness, fire, joy and love come through so pointedly
that one can't help but feel a rising inspiration from within."
- Marlies Wieranga, Environmental Conservation Manager
that one can't help but feel a rising inspiration from within."
- Marlies Wieranga, Environmental Conservation Manager
What is Warrior School?
Warrior School is a revolutionary online course for women advocates, activists and leaders. It’s part of my life’s work. I know what it’s like to be in the advocacy trenches, fighting to make our world a better place. I know how exhausting and frustrating it can be. It’s time to do things a new way, to bring the Feminine into our leadership, and to have sisters supporting us along the way. Why? Because the world needs you integrated, balanced, open-hearted and in Joy.
We’re redefining the battlefield ladies, and in 2025 no less. |
Module photos by Rise Photo Co.
Warrior School Dates
4 Modules (Water; Earth; Air; Fire) 12 zoom calls over 4 months
Wednesdays from 9am to 11am PST/ 12pm to 2pm EST See Modules Below For Details The following are the modules and class dates for WARRIOR SCHOOL 9.0: Water/Heart Unit: May 7th; May 14th; May 21st, 2025 Earth/Body Unit: June 4th; June 11th; June 18th, 2025 Air/ Higher Mind Unit: June 25th; July 9th; July 16th, 2025 Fire/Spirit Unit: July 30th; August 6th; August 13th, 2025 REGISTER NOW at the link below!! |
Element: Water Focus: Heart Mantra: I AM Open-Hearted Warrior. Overview: This series of three calls will focus on tapping into your heartfelt desires-- what are you fighting for? What lights up your heart? We will release judgments and misbeliefs that have kept you small and reframe them into the divine truths about yourself. We will explore the gift of emotions in your leadership and how to enroll others with an open heart. We will experience our magical Guest Facilitator, Madeline Giles, and her practice of Angelic Breath Healing to to clear out fear and stagnation from our hearts and find freedom and peace. |
Element: Earth Focus: Body Mantra: I AM Embodied Warrior. Overview: This series of three calls will focus on tapping into the wisdom and power of our feminine body. Using our bodies as our guides, we will explore what we’re willing to allow in (receiving support, love, acknowledgment) and what we are not willing to allow in (saying no, creating clean and clear boundaries). We will tap into our sensuality and the joy and creativity that is available to us as we do so. We will be blessed with a masterful Guest Facilitator, Anabel Vizcarra, and experience our sacred sensuality, tapping into that power source within us. |
Element: Air Focus: Mind Mantra: I AM Wise Warrior. Overview: This series of three calls will focus on embracing our Inner Visionary and Creatrix. We will move together from victim or scarcity mentality to creating what we want for ourselves, our communities and our world. We will embrace abundance and expansiveness and learn to speak our truth and courageously add our unique voice to our unique cause. We will experience our amazing Guest Facilitator, Renee Benmeleh, and her practices of Vocal Improv and Sound Nourishment, to allow our voices to be expressed. |
Element: Fire Focus: Spirit Mantra: I AM Unleashed Warrior. Overview: This final series of three calls in the course will focus on liberating the fire and spirit within all of us as advocates and leaders. We will learn to “wield our swords” in a new way--- constructively expressing and using our anger and frustration. We will enjoy our fiery Guest Facilitator, Christie Mann, who will facilitate us through Kundalini Yoga practices to express and release Anger and transmute it into empowerment. We will learn to “align with the enemy” by creating something powerful from conflict and disagreements. Finally we will catapult into the new year by unleashing and celebrating our Inner Warriors and creating our collective vision for the “new battlefield.” |
Module photos by Rise Photo Co.
You'll leave the program more connected to your motivations for advocacy, your
feminine power... It's been an absolute gift to have joined the inaugural group!”
- Lauren Dankiewicz, Leadership Coach & Head of Design
feminine power... It's been an absolute gift to have joined the inaugural group!”
- Lauren Dankiewicz, Leadership Coach & Head of Design
Investment in Warrior School
Due to the importance of getting this work out into the world and the unique challenges that this past year has presented, I will be offering three highly discounted investment options to choose from depending on the support that you desire. REGISTER NOW at the link below!
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
This is the basic WARRIOR SCHOOL program including twelve zoom calls, in-between WhatsApp group and and three 60-minute 1:1 coaching support sessions with Tina to clearly set intentions for the program, integrate learning and celebrate wins as you embrace your feminine warrior.
Investment: $2,222 |
Image by Alemko Coksa from Pixabay
This is the ultimate support WARRIOR SCHOOL program including twelve zoom calls, in-between WhatsApp group and nine 60-minute 1:1 coaching support sessions with Tina to get clear on your dreams, clear out any obstacles and launch into your next chapter as an integrated and unleashed Warrior!
Investment: $3,333 |
**Payment plans and scholarships are available to select under-resourced or BIPOC participants.
I also donate a portion of proceeds from WARRIOR SCHOOL between two important organizations:
Coaching for Everyone (black-led organization that brings coach training, coaching and leadership development to under-resourced black, indigenous and people of color) and
Partnership with Native Americans (organization that serves over 60 reservations in twelve states in the Northern Plains and Southwest regions of the United States by addressing immediate/ material needs and long term solutions for indigenous populations).
Coaching for Everyone (black-led organization that brings coach training, coaching and leadership development to under-resourced black, indigenous and people of color) and
Partnership with Native Americans (organization that serves over 60 reservations in twelve states in the Northern Plains and Southwest regions of the United States by addressing immediate/ material needs and long term solutions for indigenous populations).
"Thank you for creating Warrior School. I am so touched, moved, and inspired by my
sister Warriors... I am eternally grateful for the four month investment... I am
recommending “Warrior School” to every woman that I care about!"
- With love and fierce gratitude, Lynn Abate-Johnson, Community Director, Business Consultant
sister Warriors... I am eternally grateful for the four month investment... I am
recommending “Warrior School” to every woman that I care about!"
- With love and fierce gratitude, Lynn Abate-Johnson, Community Director, Business Consultant
More About Warrior School

WARRIOR SCHOOL is a four-month, twelve session program to bring together a select community of powerful women WARRIORS to fully embody their femininity through balanced and integrated leadership. This supportive, safe, and sacred group will encourage you to share honestly about struggles and celebrate wins. The course will remind you that you are not alone; you will receive external support and accountability, as well as love and inspiration as you step into the best version of yourself in service of your world.
Tina will facilitate each virtual session on a specific topic or challenge through rich discussion and experiential learning activities, as well as humor and play. She will empower you with the powerful leadership development and personal growth tools that she has learned and uses with her organizational and individual clients. She will support you so you can more powerfully serve yourself, your family, community and world. The program will be presented in English and is open to any womxn (we are all advocates, activists and leaders). See more about Tina Meyers, our Guest Facilitators, and a note on cultural appropriation, patriarchy and white supremacy here.
- Learn specific and effective tools to improve your advocacy and emerge as effective, engaged leaders
- Feel more balanced and integrated in your leadership- embracing the wisdom inherent in your heart, body, mind and spirit;
- Reclaim the joy in your advocacy and leadership;
- Further your cause without sacrificing yourself;
- Improve your effectiveness by learning tools to release the anger and frustration inherent to leadership;
- Decrease feelings of isolation by building sustainable community with other powerful women WARRIORS, including specific accountability and support partners
What’s included in WARRIOR SCHOOL?
Four-month program with twelve facilitated, virtual sessions (2-hours each) for up to 14 participants.
Testimonials For Warrior School
Lauren Dankiewicz, Leadership Coach & Head of Design
“Tina Meyers has created a beautiful experience for changemakers and advocates who want to lead authentically and be a force for positive change in the world. You'll leave the program more connected to your motivations for advocacy, your feminine power, and authentic self. Throughout the experience, you'll be inspired and empowered by your cohort. Tina holds a powerful, joyful, and transformative container— her intuition and coaching are invaluable. It's been an absolute gift to have joined the inaugural group!” |
Leesa Vreugde, Real Estate Managing Broker, PCC, CPCC
“Thank you Tina for being so brave in the creation of Warrior School! It has been such a great space to grow, learn and lean into the wild, powerful and glorious side of my feminine energy! In my work, it has given my the invisible cloak of strength and fire to be brave. To move forward with laser focus on what, where and who I am and how I can remain me in any stressful or intense situation. Because of Warrior school I walk a little taller now! If you have the chance to work with this amazing leader, TAKE IT!” |
Amber, Leadership & Life Coach
“Warrior school is an incredible experience that I would recommend any woman gift herself. It is a beautiful journey to embark on no matter what stage in life or role(s) you're embracing currently. It is a safe and supportive space that unwraps the most beautiful and powerful version of you- and all of your power. Take the leap- there's no way you will regret it!" |
C.J. Andrews, Coach and Founder of Colibri Collective
“Warrior School has helped me tap into my inner creator, warrior and queen. I found parts of me, I had no idea existed. I am taking away so much learning from that program that will take years to fully digest. It was well worth the time and resources.”
“Warrior School has helped me tap into my inner creator, warrior and queen. I found parts of me, I had no idea existed. I am taking away so much learning from that program that will take years to fully digest. It was well worth the time and resources.”
Marlies Wieranga, Environmental Conservation Manager
“Particularly over this past year, I felt so drained and depleted that when I heard about Warrior School, I thought this could be a chance to give me a jolt and awaken me from my stupor. And that's what happened. Tina's energy, thoughtfulness, fire, joy and love come through so pointedly that one can't help but feel a rising inspiration from within. I loved having a cadre of women that met together and created a space for sharing, learning, vulnerability, truth, and courage, which opened the door to me to test what I learned while feeling deeply supported. The structure of the school is so well composed that the classes, guest speakers, exercises, compliment the elements perfectly. I feel like I've not only regained myself but added key "nutrients" to make me bolder and confident in my leadership.”
“Particularly over this past year, I felt so drained and depleted that when I heard about Warrior School, I thought this could be a chance to give me a jolt and awaken me from my stupor. And that's what happened. Tina's energy, thoughtfulness, fire, joy and love come through so pointedly that one can't help but feel a rising inspiration from within. I loved having a cadre of women that met together and created a space for sharing, learning, vulnerability, truth, and courage, which opened the door to me to test what I learned while feeling deeply supported. The structure of the school is so well composed that the classes, guest speakers, exercises, compliment the elements perfectly. I feel like I've not only regained myself but added key "nutrients" to make me bolder and confident in my leadership.”
Lynn Abate-Johnson, Community Director and Business Consultant
“Thank you for creating Warrior School. I am so touched, moved, and inspired by my sister Warriors, brought together by you, Tina.
You thought of EVERY detail. I am eternally grateful for the four month investment I was smart enough (actually, intuitive enough) to say YES to when you offered it. Your creation came at the perfect time, considering I had new emotions coming up, triggered by the unrest and social injustice in our world. I was not sure how to reconcile my empathy with my rage at that time.
Warrior School offered so much clarity and belonging. Unexpectedly, it also generated very special connections with others; a sense of belonging, that you have forged brilliantly, with ALL your masterful attention to detail in mapping out this journey.
I am recommending “Warrior School” to every woman that I care about!"
“Thank you for creating Warrior School. I am so touched, moved, and inspired by my sister Warriors, brought together by you, Tina.
You thought of EVERY detail. I am eternally grateful for the four month investment I was smart enough (actually, intuitive enough) to say YES to when you offered it. Your creation came at the perfect time, considering I had new emotions coming up, triggered by the unrest and social injustice in our world. I was not sure how to reconcile my empathy with my rage at that time.
Warrior School offered so much clarity and belonging. Unexpectedly, it also generated very special connections with others; a sense of belonging, that you have forged brilliantly, with ALL your masterful attention to detail in mapping out this journey.
I am recommending “Warrior School” to every woman that I care about!"
Would you like to learn more about Warrior School before registering? Click the button below.
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Copyright 2024 Tina Meyers Intuitive. All Rights Reserved.
Website design and photography of Tina Meyers (not including Rise Photo Co photography) by: CJ Miller
Banner Stock photography courtesy of pixabay, unplash, and pexels
Website design and photography of Tina Meyers (not including Rise Photo Co photography) by: CJ Miller
Banner Stock photography courtesy of pixabay, unplash, and pexels